Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Unknown.." (for now)

I was at the the Utah Museum of Fine Arts today and found sooo many eye-catching pieces! One stood out to me in particular, problem is I just can't seem to find it ANYWHERE. I'm pulling my hairs out over here, but I'll move sky and earth if I have to in order to get that pic (what a dummy, didn't even write down the title). Anywho, the artist was Henry L. A. Culmer, that I do know. This guy painted an amazing cliff view down onto the Salt Lake Valley, or rather Downtown Salt Lake with trees in the forefront and streets with buildings in middle and background. Very pretty; suave, breezy, yet popping. So I went out looking for the spot he could've created that. That was another adventure. I was going up and down hills, over and around, I didn't mind too much though since it's so lovely around the U.I never really found that same exact view. I took some pictures around the supposed area though, especially of this one touristic cliff that doesn't really have a name. Either way, you'll get an idea of what this painting looked like...


  1. ah that must have been some great adventure. I hope you find it :)

  2. first of all, LOVE the photographs sooo much. i would loove to take a trip down there sometime

    and good luck with that! i'm going to look up the artist for funsies lol
